

My name is Dana and I'm 32 years old. I decided to try the 30 day blast the fat program to kick start my goal to finally feel good for the summer. It was 6 days a week for only 30 minutes a day and also came with a nutrition program. After 30 days I lost 11 pounds, 4% body fat and a total of 6 inches. I have never done that in a short month before in my life. I have been working out at the gym since I was 16 and have never got the results that I wanted. I have tried every class and workout out there and still wasn't losing as much weight as I would like and was so bored doing the same old thing all the time.

When I go to work out with Belinda, I look forward to it. Every day is different and challenging and to top it off it's only for 30 min! I even went to the 5:30 am classes and that's a huge thing for me, because if you know me well I hate mornings! But after the workout, I felt awesome and energized the rest of the day.

Before I was working out an hour or more a day. What a waste of time! If you push yourself hard enough for the 30 min you literally can't do any more than that.

The most important thing I learned was to eat right....All the time. It's true when they say that working out is 20% and nutrition is 80% and when you have something to work for and have a goal you are more dedicated for achieving results. For me, I need a program to follow to focus on a goal and this program helped me a lot! I was always eating healthy but would sabotage my hard work by eating and drinking junk all weekend long. I finally took control of myself and decided to be healthy on weekends too, limiting myself to one cheat a week and it worked!

I highly recommend training with Belinda, she motivates you and helps work towards the goal that you want to achieve. I am going to continue to train with her and I know I will finally reach my goal for this summer! :)

Thank you Belinda, Colin and Be More Fitness


Dana is a prime example of what happens when you stick to the program. In 29 days she accomplished so much. Great Job Dana!

Kim K

At 43 yrs old (already?!) and with 2 ACTIVE kids, a husband, career, volunteer work….it doesn’t leave much time for myself. However, if you name the sport or activity, I’ve probably done it or even competed in it. Included in that is Mountain biking, running, swimming, Road biking, Triathlons, Cross-fit, hot yoga…and most recently…FEMSPORT.

I first met and trained with Belinda a few years ago, and was very impressed with the variety and intensity of the workouts, her level of knowledge on safe and effective exercises, the combination of both strength and cardiovascular training, and the wealth of information she provides her clients. I then decided to start checking off that bucket list, and for a year focused on Triathlon training. I competed in 3 triathlons, and the Grand Fondo Highwood Pass. Realizing though that my training wasn’t “complete”, and that I needed to add strength training in order to increase my endurance, my friend encouraged me to try Cross-Fit. Even though I enjoyed the WOD’s…. the culture, support, and sharing of information wasn’t what I had hoped or had been accustomed to with Belinda so I stopped going and stopped doing anything. I knew I needed to get my act together again fitness and health wise, if I wanted to do any of the activities I loved. Therefore, this spring, I came back to Be More Fitness, and with FLOW training, and Belinda’s education and support, I finally feel like I am back on track with my overall approach to fitness, nutrition, and general well-being.

Then, Belinda asked me to me to join the Be More Fitness Femsport Team with only 3 weeks left before the competition. I was skeptical and anxious…but she said I could do it. With only a few weeks of FLOW training under my belt and 2 weeks of Femsport training, I came out and I DID IT, but more importantly had a FANTASTIC time! I am looking forward to next year’s FEMSPORT and to KILL IT!!

One of the biggest and important things Belinda teaches is that you are only ever competing with yourself. I look forward to setting and achieving my fitness and health goals, and discovering new challenges, and striking off more bucket list items!

Winning doesn’t mean getting the first place. It means getting the best out of yourself.

Thank you Belinda, Colin and Be More Fitness

Kim K

I asked Kim to participate in the FEM Sport she was motivated but maybe a little nervous. She did extremely well! I am hoping KIm will be joining our Be More Fitness team for Fem Sport next year!!!!


When Belinda asked me to be the member of the month, I was really excited because all I seem to do is talk about FLOW training to everyone I meet, but then I almost immediately emailed back to say no. You see, I joined Flow training almost 2 years ago to lose weight, and I have lost some, but it’s an ongoing process. The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized my priorities have changed so much since then because of the FLOW training.

I’ve always struggled with my weight as an adult. I’ve tried every diet out there and numerous gyms and exercise programs. Nothing seemed to work, and I was never able to stick to anything for very long. Add to that having 5 kids in 6 years and a husband who travels nearly half the year for work, and it was easy to find excuses to not exercise and make excuses for letting myself go.

I will never forget my first week at FLOW training. I thought I was going to die! But I also felt a sense of empowerment that I hadn’t felt in a long time, if ever. The thing that really excites me about FLOW training, though, is that at 39 I’m the fittest I’ve ever been in my life. I enjoy exercise! I NEVER thought I’d be able to say that! I’ve never stuck with any form of exercise this long EVER! I love being able to keep up to my kids and exercise with them. I love that I don’t have to say “do as I say, not as I do” to them. Also, as a person who has struggled with depression, the mental health benefits alone are worth it. Weight loss is a nice side effect of the training, but I feel so much better because of it and that’s why I go now.

Belinda and Colin really know their stuff and are fun to workout with. They are so encouraging. I’ve learned so much and I’ve met such incredible and inspiring people at FLOW training too.

Sarah is right, having a busy life with five kids can be very stressful. Exercise is the best anti - depressant out there without any negative side effects! Sarah has told me on more then one occasion how she has never stuck to any fitness routine as long as this one! WHY VARIETY, the tools to succeed and workouts taught by me...( I have to give myself some credit)....LOL.


My name is Troy White and I'm 44 years old. I am the father of twin 12 year old girls, and run a marketing business, working from home for the past 11 years.

I've been active in martial arts for the past 7 years and work out 3 days a week in Tae Kwon Do, achieving my second degree Black Belt in December of 2012.

Despite my training in Tae Kwon Do 3 times a week and walking my dog 10 or so times a week, I was not happy with my fitness level or weight.

Add to that, my 're-entry' into the world of being single, and I knew 2013 was a year for change.

I'd heard of kettlbell training and wanted to be part of it… fortunately I found Belinda and Be More Fitness. I do the M/W/F 9:30 class and just LOVE IT.

It has given me way more energy, far better cardio, and has helped me drop a few belt notches in just my first 2 months!

F.L.O.W. training is an incredible way to lose weight and get the heart pumping… and I now recommend it to everyone. Honestly, I feel 10 years younger because of Belinda's workouts - and I am liking having to buy more clothes, with a smaller waist!

Troy works at a 9 level every workout! He has a great attitude, especially being the only male at the 9:30 FLOW TRAINING. I can honestly say the ladies at the 9:30am are alot quieter now since Troy has joined the Workout!


Hi, my name is Sharon and I am almost a full fledged senior, 64 ½ years old. Like so many other things, I seem to be learning something new again, as an adult. I started with Be More Fitness one year ago after seeing a promo on my employer’s webpage for a free kettle bell class. I recall some time before that, being at a fitness store and seeing the kettle bells but not really knowing how to work out with them. Good thing that I did not just buy one then as they did not have any in stock. I soon found out how extremely important it is to not only know how to work out effectively with a kettle bell but also more importantly to have a trainer who is qualified to teach kettle bell correctly. Belinda and Colin and both very qualified to do so.

My kettle bell classes led me on to the boot camp/FLOW training classes that I have been attending for the past year. It took many years to get me to the shape I didn’t want to remain in so I don’t expect to see miracles in a short time frame. Though my progress is slower than I would like it to be, I also realize that there is much to getting fit. It is a combination of exercise, eating right, getting adequate sleep and more. The eating right and getting more sleep are still a challenge but with retirement soon approaching I hope to have more time to work on these items.

For the past 6 months I have been going to FLOW training 5 days a week (previously it was only twice a week and kettle bell on Saturday mornings) which is necessary to start seeing some change happening. Our classes are 30 minutes long and have proven to always be innovative and challenging. I really am amazed at the variety and very much appreciative of the attention that Belinda and Colin provide in the way of knowing their clients and providing personal modifications to ensure a safe yet effective workout. For someone who had never been very athletic, I have found myself feeling addicted to the classes with Be More Fitness and strongly encourage anyone to just get started. Belinda and Colin are truly effective, qualified trainers and great encouragers.

Sharon is truly amazing, she gets up at around 1:00am delivers newspapers until 5:00am then comes straight to FLOW training for 5:30AM, where she works out for 30 mIn. Then she goes to her full time job with Alberta Health Services. WOW! What is your excuse not to workout and make a change? She is always at every Charity event we put on and is always willing to help make a difference for the better in our community!


Robert and Angela

When Belinda and Colin asked us to be the members of the month we were both worried that we would not be able to do justice for what we each get from them at Be More Fitness.

I (Angela, 37 yrs) have always looked at fitness as a way to lose weight, and I have struggled with the constant yo-yo up and down weight gain and loss, and the start and stop of different types of fitness programs. It wasn’t until this past year that I truly understood what it was that would keep me motivated:

  1. I want to be able to play with my kids. Ages 3 to 19, the activities that they want to participate in vary, and I always want to be able to say ‘yes’ when they ask if I want to play with them.
  2. I have watched people I know getting older that no longer have the ability to enjoy life the way I believe you should when you get older, and I want to do everything I can now to ensure that I can physically enjoy my life in the future.

This has really impacted me (Robert, 40yrs). Angela has asked me a number of times to go to Bootcamp, and I have always had some excuse not to go. A few months before turning 40 I decided that I wasn’t doing myself any favors sitting around, and if I was going to be able to do things, not only with Angela, but with my kids, I should get off my butt and make sure I would be fit enough to enjoy activities with my family, now and well into the future. That and the fact that there’s no way I could let my wife beat me in a push-up contest! We love what Belinda and Colin have helped us to achieve. As a family we have become more active. We have started skiing, we go tobogganing, hiking and we definitely try to out-do each other at home when comparing the workouts we have had to do. Our basement has now become a home gym that is used for what it was designed for rather than a make shift clothes hanger. While our schedules don’t allow us to go to Bootcamp at the same time, being more active has given us the energy and motivation to spend more time with each other.

We are very excited at what this has done for our future, our family’s future and we look forward to the continued challenge and support from Belinda and Colin.

Robert and Angela

Rob and Angela have the right idea, if you want to become more healthy you need to start somewhere and make it a lifestyle. The nice thing about getting healthy is your body will change anyways! Being a role model to your kids is so important! Stick to it.... I know you both will SUCCEED!


My name is Kerri and I’m 39 years old for another 3 ½ months. Yes, that means that I will celebrate my big 40 in April. For the last 8 months, I’ve been talking about being “fit for 40”. Apparently I’m a big talker, because I haven’t done a thing to actually achieve that goal… until now!

I was chatting with another hockey mom at my youngest son’s hockey practice one day, and we got on the topic of fitness. That’s when I heard about Be More Fitness and how much she loved the boot camps. I went home and signed up that night for the Body Transformation Program. Mornings are my favorite time of the day, so 5:30am works. I live in Okotoks and work in Calgary every day, so organization will be the name-of-the-game.

I’ve struggled with my weight and overall fitness for a long time. I’m committed to make a permanent change, and I really look forward to sharing my success story with all of you.

Happy New Year!


Kerri is registered in our Body Transformation program. We can't wait to see the changes that she will make to become more healthy and fit.


My name is Jo-Anne and I’m 39 years old. I’m a busy mom with 4 kids aged 10 and under. I have always loved to work out, and have tried everything from running to hot yoga. However, time was always an issue and I wasn’t getting the results I wanted.

I started attending the Be More fitness 5:30 am bootcamp a year and a half ago when I was struggling to lose weight after the birth of my last child. After running two back to back half marathons, and gaining weight, I knew I needed help. After the first week, I was hooked! I love the variety of the workouts, and how motivating and knowledgeable Belinda and Colin are about fitness and nutrition. It’s obvious they are passionate about what they do and genuinely want to see their clients succeed. I have learned ALOT about clean eating and how to train “smarter”. I now realize you don't have to pound away on a treadill for an hour to get results!

I have also started lifting heavier weights and now enjoy weight training (something I dreaded before)! I’m happy to say I’ve dropped 25 pounds since last April, but I still have more goals to achieve.

However, throughout this journey, bootcamp has become much more than just losing weight. I love what it does for me mentally… The days I attend bootcamp, I’m more focused, more patient, (I don’t yell at my kids as much!!), and I’m able to accomplish much more in a day. I actually look forward to getting up early and it has become part of my morning routine!

Thanks guys!! Happy Holidays and good health in 2013!!


Jo-Anne works hard and she knows what works now and what does not. I belive that where people fail, having misinformation about Fitness and more specifically workouts that will meet your specific goals! I think Jo-Anne is looking GREAT! KEEP GOING JO-ANNE!


Throughout the 90's, I owned the Juice Bar at Gold's Gym in Vancouver, as well as trained hard, and was a fitness instructor/personal trainer. I competed in the Miss Galaxy fitness contest in 1997. I "lived" at the gym. After so many years of the gym being my life, I became very bored. As much as fitness was still a part of my life, I had trouble with consistency on what would keep me fit, as I was continually bored. So, I needed a change!!!

After a friend introduced me to Be More Fitness at a trial class, I joined their 9:30 am bootcamp in the fall of 2010. Here we are 2 years later, and I am still committed and love every class. I fully enjoy the variety and difficulty of the workouts, having a mix of indoor and outdoor classes, and the camaraderie of the ladies! Belinda's workouts are so different each and every workout, it's impossible to get bored! I also enjoy the 30 minute workout, where you get in, work hard, and get out! There is no wasted time in Be More Fitness bootcamps! It really shows that you don't need much time out of your day to get in a fantastic workout. Belinda is very knowledgeable on fitness and nutrition, always keeps up on her research, and keeps us well informed.

Be More Fitness bootcamps have got me back on track with feeling consistent, fit and happy. Now if only I could get my Tennis game where I want it! :-)

Thanks to Belinda and Colin! Keep up the fantastic work!!!

In Fitness,
Leigh Palko

Leigh always works hard at Bootcamp, she loves to take pics of my workouts when we do a Bulletin Board workout, for a rainy day! She is always upbeat and ready to workout. Now if she could teach me how to play tennis!


It was one year ago in September when I got a lung infection with that my immune system decided to shut down on me. For four months I battled two lung infections, two strep A, 4 colds and asthma. Well those four long months really gave me the time to evaluate my health and the importance of it. At the end of January 2012 I finally felt better and immediately signed up for 5:30 am bootcamp! I figured if I attend this early in the morning I won’t have time to come up with excuses not to go. My first class was with Colin filled with jumping jacks, burpees and many other exercises I have never seen before. I must say I never experienced such intensity and variety of workout in such a short period of time. That morning with Colin has changed my outlook on exercise for good. I was amazed how many people would actually show up for an exercise class that early in the morning, I figured that was a good indication why there was such a rave about the bootcamps. I decided to discontinue my asthma inhaler and instead take vitamins to boost my immune system. I was on a mission not to ever feel week and sick again.

And now few months later I truly love my bootcamps. What l love the most about the workouts is the variety of exercises each time. Always different, always challenging and even though you never know what you’re going to get, you will always leave with a great workout. With Be More Fitness Bootcamps it is so much fun yet so intense you don’t have time to think about anything but to get through the next routine! I must say the 30 minutes really helps! I realize now how low impact typical aerobic classes can be which explains why I wasn’t losing the fat I thought I should when attending gym classes. I can truly say that doing bootcamp twice a week I have burned more body fat than my previous 4-5 aerobic classes a week. With Belinda’s fitness and nutrition education she provides during our workouts I now understand why that is. And nothing proofs more than the actual results. I have lost fat in places that I have given up on, gained muscle, have all the energy I need to chase my kids around, work and run the household and most of all feel great. My immune system has maintained at all time high and I have not used an inhaler since my first class! I feel truly blessed to be part of Be More Fitness and just wanted to thank you both Belinda and Colin for all the love and care you put into each workout. You are an inspiration to us all!

Loving life and Bootcamps,
Aneta Cole


I came to Canada 4 months ago to learn English from Mexico. Four weeks ago I got my body fat tested with Belinda, I was 26% body fat. I could not understand this, as I run all the time and I am not a big guy, I even had a personal trainer in my home town.......Belinda explained to me how important strength training is to rev up my metabolism and shape my body and to increase my lean muscle mass. I decided to listen and started up. I attended her Bootcamps at 5:45am and her kettle bell classes at night and on Sat mornings.

Exactly 4 weeks later I was down 10% Body fat...WOW I could not believe it. She was right! I only lost 1lb of weight and I could not understand that, she explained to me the science behind what was going on in my body. I now know understand how to train properly when I go back to Mexico. I learned not only how to train properly but why I was training the way I was with Belinda. I know also have the tools to be successful. All my friends in Mexico cannot believe the excellent physical condition that I now have. I have finished a couple triathalons since coming back home and a Iron Man, which I finished third!

Thanks to Be More Fitness!
My whole lifestyle is centred around Health and Fitness.


I am a "In Home Personal Training Client" of Belindas, she explained that everyone should be able to find 20 minutes a day to take care of themselves, in order to reach their goals. I purchased 20 sessions with Belinda and have completed 18 of them. I have also started her Kettle Bell classes Saturday morning, and it is a great workout I love the Kettle bells and do I ever feel it within a few hours (what a great feeling).

I love our work-out twice per week and could feel the change in my stomach. I was astonished when Belinda took my measurements only after 17 sessions and saw the loss of inches in all areas of my body… which is the motivation I need to find 20 minutes every day.

Eating correctly is what I find the hardest , Once Belinda educates you, it becomes clear that I do not need to eat less, I actually need to eat more of the proper foods, with Belinda's input I am starting to get it but it is hard when you are used to eating only when you feel hungry, which is what I do. At my age and the life changes your body goes through, I have realized that nutrition is something I really need to focus on as Belinda says, 80% of losing body fat is knowing how to eat.

I am truly excited to continue this journey with Belinda and Be More Fitness to reach my goals and to continue to live a healthy life style. If I have a bad day all I say is: "I will only get better not worse" as I no longer want to be out of shape and tired at this stage of my life. I feel better and stronger every day and as every day passes I see better results. Nothing is easy… but Belinda always keeps things fresh and exciting so that each of my workouts are always fun and enjoyable, and like they say …. if you like something , you will have a passion for it and do it well.

Thanks Be More Fitness
Linda K.


A number of years ago I sustained a right shoulder injury. Initially I thought I had pulled a muscle, but the injury persisted for about 4 years. During those 4 years, although the injury didn't always cause me pain, it drastically affected the mobility of my right arm, as well as my lifting ability. The injury mysteriously went away about 2 years ago, and I almost immediately regained full mobility, but the strength I had lost did not seem to be returning, even a year later. A friend of mine from a different city was raving to me one day about these kettlebell classes she was taking and how pleased she was with the improvement in her upper body strength. I decided to check if there was such a thing in Calgary and came across the kettlebell classes offered at Be More Fitness.

Although I knew that my right arm was weak, imagine my shock at the first class when I couldn't safely hold an 8lb kettlebell (the pink one) above my head. I could physically make the lift, but I had absolutely no ability to hold my arm stable. Over the next few months, Belinda and Colin worked with me, physically helping to stabilize my arm, and monitoring my technique until I was finally able to make the lift myself. Since I was really enjoying the kettlebell classes, and the instructional style, I decided to try out the bootcamp classes as well, and have been attending the two-day per week workout for about 10 months now.

The overall improvement in strength and toning has been amazing, and I have no problem lifting that kettlebell above my head! I love the variation in the workouts, both kettlebell and bootcamp, and the 30-45 minute timeframe is so easy to fit into my schedule. The instructional style of the classes is hugely important to me, as I know that I would otherwise never stick with a fitness program, so thanks Belinda & Colin for giving me something I can stick with!

Vanessa has a postive attitude and you always know she is working HARD! Most people do not realize that kettle bells are great for post rehab and getting muscles stronger in a safe manner. Kettle bell is about movement patterns, not about muscles. Kettlebells make you strong from the inside out, and they promote long lean muscles in women and explosive strength in men. We were one of the first companies in Calgary to promote this training in our Bootcamps and we are very proud to be able to teach clients the proper way to kettle bell TRAIN!


I have been going to the Be More Fitness bootcamps and kettle bell classes for about a year and a half now. Once I hit my late 40's I realized that it was time for some much needed toning and that the excess weight gained over the years of "non exercise" had caught up with me. I started going to bootcamp twice a week which was a big commitment for me at first. But as Belinda has always said, twice a week is not enough. So I stepped it up to three and then four times and noticed a big difference.

I strongly encourage young adults and especially young moms to take the time to make fitness a regular part of your life. Learn from those around you that things don't stay the same as you get older and if you are in a routine it isn't such a lifestyle change. After all what is 45 minutes out of a day, a trip to the mall takes longer! You will be happy that you made the commitment to yourself and your energy levels will increase at a time when you need it most. I would recommend Be More Fitness as a great place to start; it's a non judgmental environment where you will learn the proper techniques to make your fitness routine safe and challenging.


I was first introduced to Be More Fitness when I would pass by the 5:30AM bootcamp on my way to work and recall thinking, "how on earth do they get up so early to work out?!" I took the initiative to sign up online and soon found that starting your day with something difficult and getting it done makes you feel good about yourself. It sets the mental and emotional bar for your day. I am now one of those 5:30AM people and I'm proud to say that I have been a client of Be More Fitness for over a year. I look forward to each session because it is made up of unique, effective workouts that are continuously challenging. Most memorable for me is still the annual Halloween workout. Pressing pumpkins over your head with Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' pumping in the crisp fall air, what else could you ask for? It's moments like this and the effort that Belinda and Colin put into designing effective, stimulating workouts that keep me coming back for more!

I am still on the journey to becoming a healthier person. Belinda emphasizes the 80/20 rule, 80% is diet and 20% is fitness. I can attest to this. After 10 months of working out an average of 3 days per week I was feeling stronger but not necessarily healthier. I was aware that a fellow bootcamper Colleen Salsman (Nutrition 4 U), practiced Nutritional Consulting so I enlisted her services and would highly recommend her to anyone who wants to take a step towards tackling that 80%. Colleen encouraged me to be proactive about my nutrition, reintroducing me to real food (Clean Eating) and how it can empower the individual. After the initial consultation she gave weekly feedback, educating me on my diet and within 12 weeks I had lost 10 lbs effortlessly! Most importantly, I felt an increase in energy and my overall health had improved. I still struggle with controlling my portion size ("damn it!"), but I will continue to work on that knowing that the real key is making this change a permanent lifestyle and not just something you do for a short period of time.

Be More Fitness and Nutrition 4 U have had such a positive impact on my life. They have reinforced to me that the quality of your life can be greatly influenced by both exercise and nutrition. Thank You!


My name is Barbara and I am 44 years old. I started going to Be More Fitness camps in February 2011 because a friend and I signed up for a difficult trail race scheduled for July. I needed to jump start my fitness if I was to make it over 21 kilometres of mountainous terrain. Prior to this, I had become a bit of a slug. I wasn't exercising at all, and I had all of the excuses: I have a demanding job, I have a busy, young family, and I felt there was no time for fitness. I am not naturally a morning person, and I never would have dreamed that I could continue to come to the 5:30 a.m. classes, but I must say the results are terrific and I truly enjoy the classes. I look forward to my workouts and love getting a jump on the day. Over the 9 months that I have been participating, we have never done the same class twice. As for the race, I can say that other than the odd run on the weekend, the only training I did was Belinda's boot camp 3 times per week. I felt nervous when race day came because I knew I hadn't been running, and I wondered if the bootcamp training was transferable to a distance run with elevation. It was. The race went really well, and more importantly, I felt good doing it and recovered quickly with no injury or soreness. I was amazed at how well Belinda's bootcamps prepared me for an activity that seemed completely disconnected from the style of exercise Belinda offers.

I fully endorse Be More Fitness. My strength and balance have improved. I have more energy during the day, and am more motivated than I have ever been to stay healthy and fit.

Barbara always works hard at every workout! She is always positive and has a smile on her face. Barbara has seen and felt what living a healthy lifestyle can do. She is a prime example of how interval training can translate to mostly every activity!

Karen P

My name is Karen and I have been going to boot camp at 5:30 am with Belinda and Colin for almost a year now. My family and friends are really proud of me for getting us so early and sticking with it but most of them think I am a little bit crazy. too! I think they're crazy for not joining me as it's often my favourite part of the day! As a full time teacher and mother of two, it is nice to have a bit of time all to myself and be getting fitter at the same time. I always look forward to seeing my new 'morning boot camp buddies' and anticipating what that day's workout will be.

5 years ago, I decided to get into shape after having kids and lose some weight by running. I was pretty happy with my results and my strong cardio level but had reached a plateau. Last summer, I was running 5 times a week while training for a half marathon and gained 15 pounds! I surfed around the Net for boot camps and decided to give Belinda's program a try as she and her site were definitely the most welcoming and least scary. I had never done much strength training and in the first month I lost 9 pounds and 4 percent body fat! I have definition in my arms and abs that I have never had before and never thought I would have after having kids! Lots of people comment on how I look and how much energy I have.

The workouts make sense and Belinda and Colin explain how they should be done safely and for the most benefit. You can really tell that Belinda cares about each one of her clients. She keeps up on current research and is concerned about making sure that everyone gets the most out of every exercise, without risk of injury. The variety and intensity in workouts keeps you interested and guessing what is coming next. Before you know it, the workout is over and you are feeling great and really proud of yourself. I also appreciate how Belinda consistently includes the nutrition piece and sends recipes and ideas for clean eating. I can't imagine my life without Be More Fitness now. I am so grateful to Belinda and Colin and their enthusiasm, encouragement and dedication.

Candace and Lise

Hi my name is Candace Rae (Left), I'm a stay at home mom with two children aged one and nine. I'd like to start off by saying that Belinda and Colin have changed my life and my perspective immeasurably.

After my youngest daughter was born I suffered from postpartum thyroid issues. I went from a hyper-thyroid to an underactive one resulting in a struggle with daily life. Weight loss, depression, and the lack of motivation to exercise or run my home efficiently were a result of my thyroid issues. The medication was helpful but it was not the complete answer. It often caused negative side effects and left me feeling hopeless and disheartened.

One morning I woke up and decided it was to take control of my life. I knew something had to be done, and so I began the research process on line for boot camps. To my dismay I phoned a boot camp which looked promising and was met with a man who was rude and dismissive. He had no interest in giving me any information about his program or upcoming camps. All he said was that there were no boot camps running at this time. After I hung up I decided to make one more call. If this didn't work it was going to be the end of my boot camp quest. My next call was to Be More Fitness I left a message and within an hour Belinda returned my call. Things were looking up. She was so wonderful and answered all my questions about the program in detail. Even though we were strangers I got the feeling that she really cared. After fifteen minutes on the phone I felt more confident and motivated than I had felt in years. I was convinced that she could help me with my fitness goals and the desire to improve the quality, and outlook of my life.

I was so excited that I called my best friend Lise of twenty-two years; let's face it we can't do anything without being attached at the hip! With our busy everyday lives this was a chance for us to see each other and to challenge each other in new and exciting ways. Needless to say we signed up that week! The night before the big day both of us were nervous about the upcoming commitment. We decided through rain, snow, and shine that we were going to do it! Five a.m. came and I was up and ready at 5:05 am. We arrived with smiles on our faces and a can do attitude despite our 'Newby' status. Belinda explained in detail as to what we were doing, how we were doing it, and why we were doing it. I was so happy! This was more than I expected and better than I could have ever hoped for. I had arrived.

Belinda and Colin are awesome motivators, their continuous support and constant vocal reinforcements, keep us motivated and working hard to finish our reps strong. Each day they challenge us with something new and exciting. During my twelve weeks of boot camp I have lost ten pounds, gained muscle I didn't know I had, and developed serious strength and flexibility. My diet has improved immensely, and my mind is clear. I also discovered that working out in the rain is extremely satisfying. The shifting weather conditions keep things interesting and diversified.

The best thing about all of this is that I've been able to stop my thyroid medication and maintain excellent levels. I owe all of this to Colin and Belinda, and of course, "all of my hard work".

You guys rock! I appreciate both of you and all you do for us. Thank you so much for your time and dedication to your clients and the program. As clients we never feel like 'clients' but more like family.

I recommend Be More Fitness to everyone I meet. I believe in your program and look forward to continuing on!

Hello, my name is Lise (Right). I am a mom of two busy children and work a full time office job.

I struggle to be faithful with health & exercise because as a child and teen it was something I never had to worry about. Once having children and age catching up, I had to learn to make this a way of life. I juggled through diets and spent money on exercise machines that are now turned into clothes dryers!! I joined gyms, never went because it never fit my schedule. Or I went, and never saw results. My best friend Candace and I joined Be More Fitness in April 2011. I often thought of how to get the best workout in less amount of time with the BEST results. And that is EXACTLY what Be More Fitness is all about!!Candace Rae introduced me to Be More Fitness and for that I am so thankful for because it was the BEST decision I have ever made for myself!

When I joined it was cold - we met outside in the dark, sometimes it snowed, sometimes it rained, but never stopped me when that alarm clock woke me up at 5am! I always look forward to what the challenge was each and every day. I love how each exercise given; Belinda & Colin explain exactly what is happening to the targeted muscles. The intense work-outs make you want to come back for more!! It's so great to have such educated trainers in body, fitness& health! You can really feel the passion they have for their profession when training.

Since joining Be More Fitness I have firmed all throughout my body, lost inches, gained energy & feel fantastic!! I love it so much I have signed up for another year! Hope to see you there!

Lise and Candace will tell you I constantly get the two of them mixed up but as you can see it's easy too. They both have great attitudes and give 100%. That's why they see and feel results. GO LADIES!


I have been a client of Be More Fitness for over two years now and I actually enjoy working out now thanks to the efforts of both Belinda and Colin Morrison. I have always been active in one way or another but since I had my son 8 years ago I have struggled to take off the excess weight that I gained during pregnancy. Belinda has really helped me to understand that everyone struggles with weight issues in one form or another. As she has said to me on more than one occasion, "it took you eight years to gain the weight, it's not going to come off overnight". Once you commit to making that lifestyle change there is no better program, in my opinion, than those offered by Be More Fitness. Belinda is extremely knowledgeable and constantly researches different techniques, equipment, nutrition etc. and openly shares that knowledge with her clients.

At Be More Fitness all you need is a mat and your own hand weights. Belinda supplies the rest. We do workouts with Kettle Bells, TRX, medicine balls, bender balls & IFlow (yoga inspired) to name just a few. The circuit style workouts we do are extremely effective and don't take hours to complete. Belinda has taught us that you can do a ten minute workout and get the same benefits from it as you would by working out for 30-45 minutes as long as you work at an appropriate level. Another extremely important lesson I have learned is that 2 workouts a week is maintenance only. Belinda has been saying that since I started but this year it really sunk in. I started working out at least 4 times a week, sometimes five and the results have been nothing short of incredible.

I am proud to say that I am turning 40 this year and thanks to Belinda and Be More Fitness, I have dropped 3 dress sizes and my body is more toned now than it has been in 10-15 years. I am happier and more confident and look forward to continuing my fitness journey with Belinda and her team.


I am the 73 year old you have probably already heard about from Belinda.

My husband and I moved to Calgary from Edmonton fourteen years ago. We have one son, a daughter-in-law and three granddaughters who keep us busy with their school and sports activities.

I registered in a Be More Fitness Bootcamp in June 2010 and was impressed right from my first week of classes. I was even more impressed when, in an entire month, we never did the same workout twice. Because of the variety of exercises, there is just no way I could get bored as I did in other fitness programs. Belinda and Colin are great trainers. Both are motivating and encouraging. Belinda watches that I am using the correct form and does not let me do anything that might cause injury. She modifies the workouts to suit my ability and fitness level. I definitely DO have a personal trainer in a group setting. Even though I work at my own fitness level I get energy and encouragement from the other participants in the class. Thank you 9:30 ladies for all your support.

After a slow start towards my goal, I have lost a little weight, toned muscles and feel more energized. To lose weight, I know I must incorporate more of Belinda's nutritional tips and start eating clean. It all comes down to the 80/20 rule Belinda teaches us.

I encourage everyone attending a Be More Fitness Bootcamp to continue with their program. I wish I'd had the confidence to enroll in a bootcamp years ago, although, it is never too late to start.

Thanks Belinda and Colin for Be More Fitness Bootcamps. My next challenge may be Kettle bells. (Belinda, did I just hear an "Oh No"?)


In 2004 we were living a somewhat normal life as a family of four; my husband, daughter, son and myself. I had been working as a dental assistant for almost twenty years when after my first mammogram at age 39, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. We fought it aggressively with a double mastectomy, chemo, radiation and herceptin. The summer of 2005 was a time of celebration. As fall approached, my husband, Randel began to feel ill. In January 2006, he was diagnosed with a rare liver disease and would eventually need a liver transplant. His health deteriorated rapidly and after being admitted into the U of A Hospital in Edmonton, at the end of May (2006), we had no idea where this journey was going. I stayed with him the whole time with the support of family and friends. My mom moved in with the kids in Calgary. Randel received an emergency transplant in August and after that liver failed, he was very fortunate to have another one in October. He spent 6 months in the ICU, fighting many infections and general health obstacles. His once fit and muscular body was mere skin and bone, weighing only 90 pounds. He had to re-learn everything, sitting, standing, walking, making a fist, talking, and swallowing but he did so with determination and a smile that would melt your heart. With the condition that he could climb six stairs into the house, Randel came home March 9, 2007 and has never had any upsets from that moment on.

Our gratitude for been given this second chance is immense and our life continues to grow in remarkable ways everyday. Fitness has always played a vital role in our lives and when specialists first saw Randel, we had a picture of what he looked like only months previous so they could see how dedicated he was to his health and how fast this disease was progressing. Years later, we have confirmed how fitness and being active can dramatically influence anyone. Not taking your body and health for granted. Whether it is for weight lose or muscle gain, strength, balance, tone, flexibility, hormone stability, stress relief, sleep patterns and most important mental health, the benefits are overwhelming. Randel has the discipline to work out from home and his doctors are constantly being impressed with his progress. Back to the "somewhat normal" life.

I need extra motivation so, after receiving a free week gym membership, and never going, I knew that I wanted to try a boot camp. Be More Fitness was the perfect fit; the flexible times and locations with numerous added bonuses are an asset. The professionalism, care to detail about form and education are phenomenal. I have been hooked for two years and include my whole family at times. In what we can accomplish in 45 minutes would take 2 hours at the gym (if I went) with the added benefit that Belinda plans it all out for us. We do not do any thinking; that's her job. My name is Roxanne, I am a five and a half year breast cancer survivor living with permanent bilateral lymphedema, and I have a prescription for my boot camp...seriously!!!

It's an awesome thing...

>Randal before August 2005

>Randal after January 2007

>Randal Family in Epcot Centre December 2009


In my life, I believe that everything happens for a reason. Running into a dear old friend at the grocery store in February 2010 has impacted me and my family more than I could have ever imagined. Colin Morrison and I used to go to school together. We literally ran into one another at the grocery store, and in our catching up, he mentioned that he and his wife ran boot camps. I came home from shopping that day, went straight to the Be More Fitness website, and signed up before I had the chance to talk myself out of it. I had reached a point in my life where I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I decided I was going to take a sensible approach to weight loss. I made a commitment to myself to get on a healthy path, one that included proper nutrition, portion control, and physical activity.

I never thought boot camp would be for me. I had tried going to the gym, but I'm not the kind of person to push past my comfort zone, so results were non-existent. I tried running with some success, but I found it to be boring and monotonous. After I signed up, I was scared to death!! What if I couldn't keep up? What if it was like those boot camps you see on television with trainers yelling at you? What if I held everyone up because they were so far ahead of me?

All of my "what-if's" disappeared from the moment I entered my first class. Every session has modifications for beginner, intermediate and advanced participants, and you pick your level. Belinda is extremely motivating, encouraging and helpful. Every day brings a new workout, so boredom is never an issue, and I find myself actually looking forward to my boot camp. At 41 I'm in the best shape of my life, thanks to a loss of almost 7 inches and the discovery of muscles I never knew I had! My kids have a mom with energy and a positive role model, and my husband was so impressed with all of my workouts and my results that he now attends his own boot camp with Belinda!


I have been going to Be More Fitness boot camps for over three years, and cannot imagine my life without them. Fitness was not always a part of my life. My health journey began when my Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I decided that I needed to incorporate health and wellness into my lifestyle. I lost fifty-five pounds, but was struggling to find my place at the gym. Keeping motivated was a struggle as I was doing the same limited number of exercises and was getting bored. I also needed to tone and strengthen my body. I signed up for my first boot camp with Be MORE Fitness. I was very nervous and scared, "How was I going to do? Could I do it?", so many things were going through my mind.... Well I loved it and still do; Belinda and Colin were so welcoming and I realized that amazingly enough I could do it and more. Every class is different, and I personally love to challenge myself each time I go. What I have gotten from Be MORE Fitness for me is life changing. I receive personalized training from a professional trainer, in a group setting. Belinda has taught me so much, not only about exercise, but about my body and how it works. She is always willing to answer questions and she teaches you to challenge yourself in a safe environment, Safety is always first. She constantly is teaching us new things from the latest study she is researching. I have managed to maintain my weight loss for well over three years and realized I can do anything. During my time with Be More I have made many good friends, which is just icing the cake.

Thanks Belinda and Colin

Jackie B

I have been actively attending Be More Fitness boot camps since the fall of 2009 but I don't believe my true fitness journey began until June, 2010. That is when I attended the Be More Fitness Ladies Retreat in Canmore, Alberta. It was there that I discovered a healthy lifestyle was not only being active, but eating well and enjoying this amazing mountain backdrop with like-minded people. It was that weekend I realized how tasty 'clean' food is and what an amazing feeling is was to hike up the side of a mountain. It was the reward for putting in all the hard work at boot camps.

Another turning point came for me just weeks after the retreat. The doctor discovered I only had one functioning kidney. I would need to have surgery to remove the non-functioning one as it was in such poor shape and was the cause of my high blood pressure. Completely shocked by this news, I remember going to boot camp and telling Belinda and the girls. She reassured me everything was going to be okay, as a lot of people with only one kidney live very active lives and that she would be there to help with my recovery. Sure enough they were all there for me, even bringing my family meals and a much needed visit up during my time at home. 5 weeks after surgery I was back at Boot camp, slow but sure, getting stronger again.

Now that I was back exercising it was time to get my diet in order. From the moment I first joined Be More Fitness, Belinda had always preached the 80/20 rule. 'If you want to lose weight,' she'd say '80% is nutrition and 20% is fitness.' She recommended Simply for Life and the Eat Clean Diet books. I started reading the Eat Clean books and joined SFL this past January. It has been 8 weeks, I am down 16 pounds and my husband has lost almost 20!! Again things just started to make sense. I understand that if I give my body the clean fuel it wants it will use it up! I try now not to indulge in processed, chemically charged foods high in sugar and salt. My body was storing all that bad stuff as fat. The 80/20 rule, it is simple and it works!

Well that is it, for now, my journey to becoming a healthier person. I continue to enjoy boot camp 3 times a week and I am looking into participating in the Kidney March this fall. A 100k walk through K country in 3 days! To quote Oprah, but it will be a full circle moment for me. Would have I ever considered this before joining Be More Fitness, NOT A CHANCE! I believe people come into our lives for a reason. I am not sure if Belinda realizes what an excellent role model she is. She is a true humanitarian, always looking out for others and paying it forward. She not only inspires us to 'Be More Fit', but also to 'Be Better People.' I look forward to my fit future!

Jen G

I started my journey with Be More Fitness May 2008 and it has been a very positive and body changing experience for myself.

I have always been very active my whole life as I own and operate my own dance studio. Only after I had my 2nd baby I didn't have time for myself anymore and then in turn lost focus on body and the way it was changing. As a busy mom you forget about the little things and keeping yourself healthy makes for a healthy family. When I joined Be More it gave me the opportunity to focus on myself with the different varieties of workouts which I found my body  responded to quickly. When you exercise I find I have more energy to do other things and pass that along to my own family. The different options of class times and days was very helpful for me as well as you can't always get a workout in at the same time everyday. This is where the 5:30am classes came in handy for myself as I could do my workout and then be available for my kids the rest of the day. I truly believe without this I would have just continued down the path I was on.

After watching my body change and seeing the difference in myself I added running to my workout and am now training for my 1st half marathon. I owe this to Belinda and Colin for getting me started on the right path to fitness and thank them from the bottom of my heart.


Hi I am Lisa, I am married with 2 children ages 6 and 9. Our nine year old loves hockey and our 6 year old participates in ringette. My husband has a earth moving company and is very busy with that. Before I had children I was an accountant, I still do the odd book keeping at home.
I have always loved to exercise. I played softball and attended jazzercise classes regularly for 15 years. I joined Be More Fitness 2 years ago because I needed and wanted a challenge. I wanted to set a good example for my kids to be healthy and active by showing them MOM can DO IT!
Every session is new and challenging its like having my own "Personal Trainer" and I just love it.


"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger!"

Fredrich Nietzsche knew what he was talking about!

We all have our stories, some are totally devastating, some borderline on horrific, some are absolutely wonderful and some have fairy tale endings. The truth is we all have one! We make it through, with no choice in the matter only to look back and marvel at what we conquered and how much stronger we became.

Over two years ago when I "enlisted "in Be More Fitness Boot Camp, I wasn't sure what to expect! Now, after many, many classes attended I began pondering...Why would anyone want to...

- workout when they have been the same size for 35+ years?

- workout with a bunch of women? (Cuz we really can be quite caddy and jealous at times).

- limit one's wine intake so as not to vomit while running hills at class?

- work your quads so strenuously that it hurts for days when you go to sit on the toilet? (Now I have your attention, we're all relating now).

- watch Belinda demonstrating a new exercise effortlessly, only to try it yourself and find it virtually impossible?

- run stairs two at a time, to lift that ever falling butt?

- do pushups till your arms are shaking and your pecs are screaming....only to help lift those ever sagging boobs?

- brave all the elements, to get that healthy glow?

- virtually wear out your exercise clothes by getting them actually dirty?

- enjoy exercising three times a week so much you decide to go five?

- have a weeks break from Boot Camp and miss it so much you check online to see if Belinda is having a drop in class?

- be thankful that Belinda is not upset with her neighbours too often, cuz those classes were especially difficult?

- be 54 years old and still able to kick some serious Boot Camp Butt?

Well let me tell you why I do it........




I would seriously like to take this time to thank the 9:30 class for there continued support, encouragement and most important there friendship! I can't tell you how inspiring it is to be with a group of women where we all have one thing in common, to be the best we can be.

Belinda you are such a wonderful role model, your dedication and commitment to fitness is beyond extreme!

Another Boot Camp Junkie

Marilyn L


I know I speak for all the ladies in the 9:30 class, Colin we miss you!!


I was a little iffy on doing this as the past 6 months I have fallen off the fitness "wagon" - but Belinda encouraged me to still write my piece. I have been active since a teen - I was in Highland dancing and then I became a Step aerobic queen. For the past 15 years I have always belonged to a gym and enjoyed taking classes and trying any new fitness fad. I was quite disciplined too. I would go 3-5 times a week.

After almost 15 years of being consistently active to pretty much not doing anything at all has been quite the shock to my system and at 35, the metabolism isn't what it use to be. I have never expected myself to be a size 6 or smaller - it is not who I am nor would I want to be that size given my body structure. My biggest measurement is my clothes. I have given up on the whole scale - it would drive me insane seeing the number not changing or changing slightly. However, when I measure my waist or timed my pushups and sit-ups, that was where the real gratification was. Exercising and being active to me is important and I have realized even more just how important with falling of the wagon. I wasn't sleeping as good as I was when I did workout. My energy levels were down, my focus at work was down and the stress of dealing with my teenage step-kids was higher. Working out and being active helps in all those areas and so much more.

After moving to Chaparral, I came across a 'Be More Fitness' sign on the back of Belinda's vehicle and decided to look into it and give it a try. I really enjoyed the variety of the training sessions (horse and carriage one is my favourites) and the flexibility that Be More provides is one of the many reasons I kept re-signing up for the past two and half years. I also enjoy the constant positive encouragement from Colin and Belinda knowing when to push me to do more or increase my dumbbell weight. We are all at different fitness levels and we all have different strengths. It is nice to have options shown to fit anybody's different fitness level. I have made some really great friends from the classes too as an extra bonus!

Shannon P

When Belinda asked me if I would be interested in being the member of the month, I thought, "wow, either I'm showing some awesome results, or I'm just the next bootcamp junkie to be profiled". So I took a look in the mirror and thought "hmmm, maybe I should read up on previous members". So I did, and I laughed because not only did those members appreciate their new physical strength, new found endurance and tightness where there was no tightness before...they appreciated Belinda and Colin for the extras they gave. The support, the encouragement, the charity fund raisers, the nutrition information, the gadget updates, the study results and the just plain comedy!

I've been attending Belinda's 5:30 am summer bootcamp for a few years now. I saw amazing results after only 6 weeks and became addicted to class right away. I run a marathon every year to raise money for Leukemia and Lymphoma and Belinda's boot camps are my way of preparing to train and with 3 children keeping me busy, her 5:30 am class is just perfect for me!

Belinda keeps class moving, she keeps class interesting and she keeps class challenging. Every day is different and I really enjoy the variety. Looking forward to more 5:30 am classes!

Tanya F

My love of exercise started with buying a new bike many years ago and riding to and from work every day. Then I had baby number 1 and riding to and from work became impossible, but I was still able to find time each evening to ride. Then baby number 2 came along and it was much more difficult to find time to ride my bike, but I was managing. I had discovered how much I loved exercise and  had developed a routine and was able to stick with it. I loved how I felt after an invigorating bike ride. Then, I shattered my wrist snowboarding - caught my back edge - and needed surgery to put my wrist back together. I wasn't going to let this little accident sideline me, but it did. I had lost the ability to motivate myself. I was still playing hockey, but once a week wasn't enough. I knew I had to get into a scheduled class to get back on track. I looked at the programs at the leisure centres, but remembered how drop in classes can be crazy full so everyone is elbow to elbow or being turned away at the door for a spin class if there weren't enough bikes. I had seen a sticker for Be More Fitness and decided to check out the website. After a brief moment of indecision, I decided I just needed to do it. A big step for me as I hate doing unfamiliar things by myself. Belinda and Colin are friendly, encouraging, and committed. All important qualities at 5:30 in the morning - especially when the wind is blowing and the snow is falling. I love the variety that Belinda and Colin offer on a daily basis - definitely not boring. I love that there is someone there to make sure I am doing the exercise correctly. I love that Belinda and Colin gently push me to work harder. I am a very happy bootcamper.

Cathleen K

I thought getting into shape would be easy, that's what I told myself. How could working out be hard? I prepared my own fitness routine which included going to the gym, getting a personal trainer and working out all of the time. I thought that the more time at the gym, the more weight I would lose, the more in shape I would be. The thing is it didn't seem to work and then I began to feel a lack of motivation and desire to work out.

First, I didn't understand nutrition so I was not eating right. Second, with the way I was working out I did not see any results.  As a consequence, my weight went up and down throughout the years. I was lost and upset at myself but I still wanted to get into shape. I watched bootcamp shows on TV and decided I would give it a try. I saw the advertisements in the neighborhood and thought "yes I will do it". I signed up online and began my new journey.

Belinda made it easy to fit right into the program. She taught to each level of fitness which made it easy to start and build up as I went along. I learned so many new things about myself and what I was doing wrong in the past. One of the major aspects I learned was how to change my eating habits with the 80/20 rule. That is, losing weight is 80% diet and 20% cardio. Also, to be fit I needed to incorporate strength training into my routine.

It has now been eight months and I've lost weight and toned muscle I didn't know that I had. Starting bootcamp motivated me to add new experiences and challenges in my life. I started running, which is something I never thought I would or could do. I can't believe the shape I am in and how much it has changed my life. I can't even imagine not having this lifestyle; staying healthy and fit.

Thank you, Belinda.

Colleen S

I am a 49 years old (and holding) mother of two teenage children; I have always been fit however, after one year with Belinda (B) I cannot believe the improvement in my level of fitness. My reasons for joining "Be More Fitness" (BMF) boot camps were not to lose weight, although I have, or embark on a personal journey simply stated "I needed a fitness challenge". After more than 20 years of going to gyms, I was tired and bored of the limited services they had to offer. All those years sweating at gyms and all that money paid to trainers produced little results when compared to what I have attained with B in a very short period. I have a background in Nutrition and education so it's important that any fitness program offer basic nutritional advice and BMF offers this complementary service other boot camps charge a fee. Prior to joining BMF I audited a number of boot camps and was very disappointed with the level of instruction, or lack there of, I observed. Many of these trainers were not watching or correcting their participants, this can lead to injury. Although I can name a litany of factors that sold me on BMF boot camps the key items are B's level of competency, she knows her stuff, she's unrelenting with participants' safety and she is constantly introducing new equipment. We do not get bored each session is different and somehow she accommodates all levels of fitness. I look forward to turning 50, being fit and not simply fighting gravity!

Debbie W

"It's a great workout with great trainers. I love the group atmosphere but appreciate that I can work to my level. The variety of different training sessions makes it never dull and always challenging. I definitely tell my friends and will keep signing up for more. It's fun to see you continually incorporate new equipment and exercises. Keep up the great work(outs)!
  - Debbie Wylie, Boot Camp Client.


Christianne's Boot Camp Testimonial


Remy's Boot Camp Testimonial


Kailey's Boot Camp Testimonial


Amanda's Boot Camp Testimonial


Lauren's Boot Camp Testimonial


Darrin's Boot Camp Testimonial


Marilyn's Boot Camp Testimonial


Ruth's Boot Camp Testimonial


Karen's Boot Camp Testimonial


Jennifer's Boot Camp Testimonial


Amber's Boot Camp Testimonial

"I've worked out with a handful of trainers in my life and you two (Colin and Belinda) have been the best. I really like the variety, being outside, meeting new people and learning the CORRECT technique. I've never had this type of success with a gym membership, one of the greatest values I take home with me is feeling like I've had an intense 45 minutes of personal training. I feel like you are both accessible and I can bring my questions or concerns to the table and not get lost in the cracks. When you go to the gym, you're alone, when I talk about bootcamp I'm always bragging about "my" trainer. :-)" -
- Julie Porco, Boot Camp Client.

Why I think everyone should try at least one "Be More Fitness Bootcamp"

If you do one thing for your health and fitness you should give Be More Fitness Boot Camps a chance. Be More Fitness is unlike any fitness program that I have tried before. Besides being great fitness trainers and motivators, Belinda and Colin and their staff of trainers, CARE. They don't want you at their camps just going through the motions; they are concerned for your health and well-being. That's why I think that everyone should try Be More Fitness and that is why I am going to continue to stick with them and show everyone that I can BE MORE.
  - Cheryl Card, Boot Camp Client.

At 46 I realized that I would soon be 50 and if I did not get in shape now I could see myself having issues as I got older. I have enjoyed the training sessions because it is something different every lesson and I never get bored. I have just completed my first month and have signed up for another month. I find I have more energy and I now take my dogs for a walk every evening after dinner (my husband was the primary dog walker in the household!). My goal is to keep up the training sessions, lose weight, define my body and walk 3 times a week around the whole of Chaparral!
  - Melanie Causer, Boot Camp Client.

I joined be more fitness because if you have ever been over weight. you know how uncomfortable it is. I was slim my whole life until I turned 25, my motivation, eating habits and energy level went down the tubes. I will be turning 30 in January and would like to start my 30's feeling better and looking better. I believe with my motivation and the motivation that Belinda gives, I will be able to achieve that!!
  - Mandy, Boot Camp Client.


Hi, my name is Shelley and I am on a journey - a journey towards a better me. For the longest time I did not think I could devote myself to anything other than my family's needs and I felt fully justified. I gained a lot of weight. On December 26, 2008, I decided I needed to gain some control over my health. I haven't reached my goal yet, but I am getting there. I have lost 59 lbs and 18 inches so far but that isn't the change that has made the biggest difference; it is the energy, the confidence and the strength that I have gained that have made the biggest difference. My life is crazy busy with three teenage kids, working full time as a finishing carpenter and trying to be a good wife and mother. After only a few weeks of joining Be More Fitness, I noticed I sleep better, my mood is better and I can do my job more efficiently. I started working out 2 nights a week just to get used to it and now my routine is getting up "really early" in the morning and working out 5 mornings a week. Also, by attending the nutrition workshop, my eating habits have totally changed and I am learning how to eat properly. Be More Fitness has helped me to feel proud that I am making a change in my life. I will keep you posted on my continued success.
  - Shelly Wolovick, Boot Camp Client.

"I'm a mother of 4 and for years have felt tired and run down. I had never done any exercise programs and hadn't done any running type activities since high school gym class. The morning fitness Bootcamp interested me because it's offered early in the morning when kids are still snug in bed sleeping. I'm not much of a morning person, but thought it was worth giving a shot.

I started noticing my energy level and health improve almost immediately. Belinda creates a well balanced program that can work for any fitness . She gives one on one assistance and motivates everyone to push themselves to work as hard as they can.

After the first month of Bootcamp I felt stronger in all areas of my body and looked forward to getting up in the mornings. Changing eating habits along with the Bootcamp was very easy because my body wasn't craving the junk food like it had in the past before attending the fitness Bootcamp.

It's lots of fun and a great way to meet other people. The outdoor locations are also a wonderful time to be outside and get some fresh air!
  - Kimberley Meetsma, Boot Camp Client.

"I have always been involved with sports throughout my life, but an injury had sidelined me for a couple of years. During that time, I gained a substantial amount of weight and have tried many things to try to get it off and keep it off. I had been mostly unsuccessful until I started the Be More Fitness boot camps. The program offers the ultimate balance of workouts, plus the information needed in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The trainers are all well-educated and very passionate about helping their clients succeed. I have never been pushed this hard before, yet they do it in a very encouraging manner and are actually pretty funny! This program is truly for anybody who wants to get on track to a healthy lifestyle. There is no reason to be intimidated because they modify the exercises to correspond to any fitness level and even to injuries. Also, the other people in the class are very welcoming and friendly. The best part is that you will definitely see results! After my first boot camp, the numbers went down on the scale, but most importantly, I lost inches all over my body. I feel stronger, I have more energy, and my posture has even improved! I will soon be signing up for my 5th month of boot camp and this is the longest I've consistently worked out and I'm still seeing great results. As a coach, I can finally run drills with my players without getting out of breath. I can now even keep up with teenage boys in a pick-up game of basketball! In short, I have nothing but praise for the program that Be More Fitness has set up for their clients. If you want a fun, informative, and productive way to be successful in your fitness routine, and even life in general, Be More Fitness is the way to go!
  - Maria de Leon, Boot Camp Client.

"I have never been very athletic and really had no interest in exercising at all, but when I had my baby and had gained quite a bit of weight, I knew I had to do something. My fiancé© talked me in to trying Bootcamp for one month. I really did not think that I was fit enough to be doing a Bootcamp but he asked me to just try it. At first, it was very intimidating for me knowing that I was not fit at all but I did end up finishing my first month and was very proud of myself. The class was great because we were able to work at our own pace, with a little push and direction from the trainer, which is what I needed. I also like having other people in the class. We all try and help each to push ourselves even more. I am now participating in my third month of Bootcamp and I really have noticed a huge difference, not only in my appearance, but also in my fitness level. I now look forward to working out and the feeling of accomplishment I get when I am done. Everyone I know has been commenting on how well I look and how much more energy I have. Bootcamp is great because it allows me to push myself more and more each time I go. I would recommend it to anyone who is thinking of getting back into an exercise program or even thinking of switching theirs up a bit.
  - Crystal Goodon, Boot Camp Client.

"I would highly recommend Belinda's outdoor bootcamp. It is a great way to get into shape, have fun and enjoy being outdoors. I have been doing the bootcamps since April 2007 and have noticed a significant difference in my fitness level. Belinda is extremely motivating, and makes each work-out a challenge. Each session is different and offers a variety of exercises for everyone no matter what your fitness level. It is the best one hour work-out I have ever had! "
  - Alisa Morosoff, Boot Camp Client

"My initial goal for joining bootcamp was varied. I'd been hit by a car while crossing the street years ago, resulting in hip pain that would chronically flare up if I wasn't active enough. I also was hoping to trim a few inches and lose a few pounds. But the key factor? In exactly 10 days from today, I'm turning 40. And before I signed up, I just didn't have the energy to face it! By 3pm each day, I'd be so tired I'd usually have to take a nap. Ridiculous. Luckily, we just happened to move into Chaparral this summer, and found out about Belinda's 5:30 am bootcamp. I love that it doesn't interfere with my work schedule. Yes it's hard and tiring. Yes you get a little soggy some days. But in only 2-1/2 weeks, I'm more energetic, stronger, and more confident than I've ever been. If I feel this great now, I can't wait to see how I feel once I do turn 40. Thanks Belinda. Hope you keep your camps running through the winter and for as long as you can. I'll be there!"
 - Cheryl Peddie, Boot Camp Client

"I have always been active, however going almost 2 years without a workout program, I realized I was not reaching my potential. I highly recommend Belinda's Bootcamp for anyone that wants to get into shape and feel the results quickly. I like the variation of exercises and being outdoors. It's the most effective one hour workout that I have experienced, and plan to make this a regular part of my life.
  - Randi Taylor, Boot Camp Client

"Within the last 3 months l have been able to see my body actually lose inches and gain muscle, not only have l become stronger l feel so much better about myself. For the first time that I can remember I have actually seen results, not only that, I feel great. When I walk, I walk tall and proud. You see she has taught me to not only to believe in myself, but to go at my own pace, and to keep going, keep moving, keep focused! Oh, yes don't get me wrong it is a struggle day by day to get up, but every class is different so you never get bored, and knowing how to do the exercises properly is of utmost importance and feeling the muscles working is awesome. Trying to keep exercise as part of my life is a difficult task and always will be, with working full time and raising 2 full grown up girls and becoming a grandma soon, staying healthy is number one on my list and Belinda you make it just a little bit easier for me! I would like to thank you Belinda Morrison of Be More Fitness for without your dedication and hard work and never boring us with training sessions, l would have quit like l have every other program! You see Belinda you taught me to believe in myself, to go at my own pace, and to keep going, keep moving, and keep focused! YES, exercise will always be a struggle like it has been in the past, but today l stand a bit taller, prouder, and feel much better about myself within this world around us that revolves around images! Thank you Belinda, I wouldn't know what to do without you in the morning, your training sessions are great!"
 - Colleena Vieriu, Client

"Belinda is an 'excellent trainer', she strives to make you work hard, paying attention to work each body part and muscle which is 'great'. Belinda's boot camps are always 'interactive', 'upbeat', never dull and always something 'new' each time you 'hit' her boot camp as well you are in the 'great outdoors' what more could you ask for in a workout! I have seen wonderful results in the shape and tone of my body."
 - Laura Buckholz, CLP, Boot Camp Client

"My main reason for joining Be More Fitness Boot Camps was to find a workout regime that I did not have to go to a gym for and pay for a membership that I would never use. Belinda incorporates variety, fun, new techniques, all at the same time pushing you further than you think you can go. After having two children, my body has never been the same. I have gained energy, self-esteem, inches (down one size so far), and love of working out. If I had a gym membership, I would be lost and never go. I look forward getting up early, attending Belinda's boot-camp and working out with her. She never prejudged me and only encouraged me to go further. From these boot camps, I have increased my endurance, strength, and balance. I even enjoy breaking a sweat. The best thing that I have gained is the friendships that I have gained and the respect I have for myself. I love attending Belinda's Boot-Camps with Be More Fitness."
 - Catharine Gimbel, Boot Camp Client

"5:30 A.M. is an ungodly hour of the morning, and it is dark outside at this time of the year. But somehow, I have managed to not miss a class, and within five minutes of being there, I am actually enjoying myself. Even though I am the oldest person at the boot camp, the instructors have found ways to adjust the exercises for me. I am sitting straighter and standing taller. I have more flexibility and am slowly developing more strength. It is has been most beneficial for me. Your program and instructors are awesome!"
 - Helen Pick, Boot Camp Client

"This is my first experience with a bootcamp! I am new to the experience but I am loving the workout. I find I am being pushed to my full potential and I feel gratified once I am done the workout. The instructor Jess is motivating and keeps you going through it all. There's nothing better than being fit and getting that way with a group of great people! "
 - Julie Hoban, Boot Camp Client

"I would have never thought I could wake up at 5:00 am, workout for an hour and function during the rest of the day, but surprisingly I have more energy and feel so much better. The best thing about the program is the variety it provides. No more boring exercise routines! We never know what is in store for us, but we know it will be a good, hard workout. Belinda is very motivating and really puts you in a mood to workout even at the awful hour of 5:30 AM!"
 - Lea Ann Fiorante, Boot Camp Client

"The Airdrie Bantam AA hockey team was looking for an off-ice program that was specific to our sport. I contacted Belinda at Be More Fitness Inc. and discussed with her how she could provide this service. Belinda assured me that she could design a hockey specific program that would improve the player's fitness.

Belinda designed and conducted an off-ice program that challenged the players to become stronger athletes by building up their strength, specifically developing the body's core muscles. Belinda ran fitness testing at the beginning and end of the program, and provided charts to track each player's progression. Every player showed significant improvement in their speed, strength and stamina.

The players really enjoyed working out under her direction and it was great to see that she took her work seriously. Her fitness knowledge, enthusiasm and professionalism were outstanding. I look forward to using her services again next year.
  - Brian Willmott, Coach Airdrie Bantam AA Hockey Team.