Kettle bells are a great all around workout, designed to develop not only great core strength in their users, but also to deliver a magnificent cardio workout in a very short period of time.
Forget about having to spend hour upon hour in the gym, six days a week. Craft yourself a fat busting, heart pumping kettle bells workout and you can kiss that unwanted jelly roll goodbye!
Kettle bells are made of steel and look like a cannon ball with handles, we call them horns.
It does not matter your age or your fitness ability, with proper instruction, you too can train the ATHLETE WITHIN!
When it comes to fitness, kettle bells are a true and tested form of training. For centuries, these time-tested kettle bells have been the workout tool of choice for Special Forces, fighters and elite international athletes. Even the Russian Government implemented kettle bell training into their current health care plan for a reason.... they work!
In minutes a day, these iron weights can deliver dramatic weight loss, rapid muscle gain and greatly improved performance. But to get the most out of kettle bells proper instruction is key, and Kettle Bell Calgary is dedicated to providing just that.
Belinda, Colin and Denzel Morrison are AGATSU Kettle bell Certified, the highest level of certification in the world. In a grueling test of their own endurance, they earned their certification through a program created by Shawn Mozen. Shawn introduced Kettle bells to Canadians and created the first certification and instructional DVDs in Canada. The Agatsu course has instructors in Iceland, Canada, the US, Belgium, Hong Kong and Ireland. It is one of the best known and respected professional Kettle bell instructor certification offered worldwide. The Agatsu program is also recognized for it's high standards by many fitness governing bodies such as NASM, CPTN and Can Fit Pro.
Don't accept mediocrity in your training or the trainers delivering it. Whether you're looking for a kettle bell-specific regimen designed to carve out muscles and lose unwanted body fat or simply want to supplement your current routine with true Russian Kettle bell training, Kettle Bell Calgary is the only name you need to know.
No more expensive equipment, no more spending thousands of dollars on gym memberships with no results and NO MORE EXCUSES!
Make sure whether your at a Kettle bell class at a
Leisure Center, Gym or Bootcamp that the Certified
Personal Fitness Trainer is KETTLEBELL CERTIFIED!